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Damas-Hindley-Milner inference two ways

What is Damas-Hindley-Milner?

Damas-Hindley-Milner (HM) is a type system for the lambda calculus (later adapted for Standard ML and the ML-family languages) with parametric polymorphism, aka generic functions. It sits at a sweet spot in PL design: the type system is quite expressive, and there are well known type inference algorithms that require absolutely no annotations from the programmer.

It seems to have been discovered independently multiple times over the years, but the most famous papers are the original (PDF) by Milner and the follow-on (PDF) by Damas and Milner. Damas continued on to write his thesis (PDF) about it. (If you have a link to the appropriate Hindley paper, please let me know.)

The type system is limited, but by virtue of being limited, it confers these advantages:

In this post, we implement HM in two ways (W, J, and mention a third, M), and then extend it a little bit. We’ll do this in the context of scrapscript, but the goal is to get a better understanding of HM in general.

The main idea

The core idea in HM is to generate type constraints based on how variables and other expressions are used together and then solve these constraints. These constraints are based on equality (as opposed to inequality, set subset, etc). For example, one might look at the expression a+b (where a and b are any expression, but in this case variables) and deduce that since + is a function that takes two ints and returns an int,

Perhaps, in the same example, later in a function, one might see f a (the application of the variable f to the argument a) and deduce that f must be a function.

We can compose all of these constraints together to infer that f must be a function that can take an integer as an argument.

Similarly, if we saw [a, c] (a list containing elements a and c) and we require that our lists have homogeneous type elements, then we can add the constraint that a and c have the same type. Then we can infer that c too must have type int.

To keep track of all this information, we need some infrastructure. We need a notion of types, which we’ll call type constructors, and placeholders in our system of type equations, which we’ll call type variables.

The data structures

Every expression has exactly one type, called a monotype. For our purposes, a monotype is either a type variable like 'a or the application of a type constructor like -> (a function, as in OCaml or Haskell), list, etc to monotype arguments ('a list, 'a -> 'b).

We represent those two kinds in Python with classes:

class MonoType:

class TyVar(MonoType):
    name: str

class TyCon(MonoType):
    name: str
    args: list[MonoType]

A lot of people make HM type inference implementations by hard-coding functions and other type constructors like list as the only type constructors but we instead model them all in terms of TyCon:

IntType = TyCon("int", [])
BoolType = TyCon("bool", [])

def list_type(ty: MonoType) -> MonoType:
    return TyCon("list", [ty])

def func_type(arg: MonoType, ret: MonoType) -> MonoType:
    return TyCon("->", [arg, ret])

We’ll also have something called a forall (also known as a type scheme, universal quantification, polytype, etc used for polymorphism), which we’ll talk about more later, but for now is a thin wrapper around a monotype:

class Forall:
    tyvars: list[TyVar]
    ty: MonoType

With these, we model the world.

Algorithm W

Algorithm W is probably the most famous one (citation needed) because it was presented in the paper as the easiest to prove correct. It’s also free of side effects, which probably appeals to Haskell nerds.

(Because it is side effect free, it requires threading all the state through by hand. This can look intimidating compared to Algorithm J, where we mutate global state as we go. If you get discouraged, you might want to skip ahead to Algorithm J.)

The idea is that you have a function infer_w that takes an expression and an environment (a “context”) and returns a substitution and a type. The type is the type of the expression that you passed in. We’ll use the substitution to keep track of constraints on types that we learn as we walk the tree. It’s a mapping from type variables to monotypes. As we learn more information, the substitution will grow.

In Python syntax, that’s:

Subst = typing.Mapping[str, MonoType]  # type variable -> monotype
Context = typing.Mapping[str, Forall]  # program variable -> type scheme
def infer_w(expr: Object, ctx: Context) -> tuple[Subst, MonoType]: ...

Before diving into the code, let’s go over the algorithm in prose. The rules of inference are as follows:

In general, we either constrain existing type variables or invent new ones to stand for types about which we don’t yet have complete information.

In order to keep the constraints (substitutions) flowing after each recursive call to infer_w, we need to be able to compose substitutions. It’s not just a union of two dictionaries, but instead more like function composition.

def compose(newer: Subst, older: Subst) -> Subst: ...

Let’s look at a manual “type inference” session where we incrementally learn that a is found equivalent to b (subst 1), then b to c (subst 2), and finally that c is an int (subst 3). These three separate facts must be combined in order to fully realize that all three type variables are int.

>>> s1 = {"a": TyVar("b")}
>>> s2 = {"b": TyVar("c")}
>>> s3 = {"c": TyCon("int", [])}
>>> compose(s2, s1)
{'a': TyVar(name='c'), 'b': TyVar(name='c')}
>>> compose(s3, compose(s2, s1))
{'a': TyCon(name='int', args=[]),
 'b': TyCon(name='int', args=[]),
 'c': TyCon(name='int', args=[])}

Now that we can create these substitutions, we also have to have some machinery for transforming types with the substitutions. For that, we have apply_ty (transform a type) and apply_ctx (transform all the types within a context).

In the above example, apply_ctx(TyVar("a"), the_big_subst) would return TyCon(name='int', args=[]) (int).

def apply_ty(ty: MonoType, subst: Subst) -> MonoType: ...

def apply_ctx(ctx: Context, subst: Subst) -> Context: ...

This “constrain” process we talked about in the inference rules refers to unification, which we call unify_w. In Algorithm W, unification involves building up a substitution. Type variables are “easy”; bind them to a monotype. For type constructors, we have to check that the constructor name matches, then that they each have the same number of arguments, and finally build up constraints by unifying the arguments pairwise.

There’s one catch for binding type variables: we have to check that we’re not accidentally building recursive types. For example, consider: what does it mean to unify 'a and 'a list? Or 'b and 'a -> 'b? OCaml supports a limited version of recursive types with -rectypes but we will not (and do not currently know how to)… so we raise an exception.

def unify_w(ty1: MonoType, ty2: MonoType) -> Subst:
    if isinstance(ty1, TyVar):
        if occurs_in(ty1, ty2):
            raise InferenceError(f"Occurs check failed for {ty1} and {ty2}")
        return bind_var(ty2,
    if isinstance(ty2, TyVar):  # Mirror
        return unify_w(ty2, ty1)
    if isinstance(ty1, TyCon) and isinstance(ty2, TyCon):
        if !=
            unify_fail(ty1, ty2)
        if len(ty1.args) != len(ty2.args):
            unify_fail(ty1, ty2)
        result: Subst = {}
        for l, r in zip(ty1.args, ty2.args):
            result = compose(
                unify_w(apply_ty(l, result), apply_ty(r, result)),
        return result
    raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(ty1)}")

As an example of this pairwise unification, we can see that unifying a 'a list with an int list means that 'a gets marked equivalent to int in the substitution:

>>> ty1 = TyCon("list", [TyVar("a")])
>>> ty2 = TyCon("list", [TyCon("int", [])])
>>> unify_w(ty1, ty2)
{'a': TyCon(name='int', args=[])}

OK, great. That’s most of our lower-level type machinery done. Let’s go back to our plaintext algorithm description and write it in Python using apply_ty and friends. We’ll handle variables, integers, functions, function application, and let binding.

def infer_w(expr: Object, ctx: Context) -> tuple[Subst, MonoType]:
    if isinstance(expr, Var):
        scheme = ctx.get(
        if scheme is None:
            raise TypeError(f"Unbound variable {}")
        return {}, scheme.ty
    if isinstance(expr, Int):
        return {}, IntType
    if isinstance(expr, Function):
        arg_tyvar = fresh_tyvar()
        body_ctx = {**ctx, Forall([], arg_tyvar)}
        body_subst, body_ty = infer_w(expr.body, body_ctx)
        return body_subst, TyCon("->", [apply_ty(arg_tyvar, body_subst), body_ty])
    if isinstance(expr, Apply):
        s1, ty = infer_w(expr.func, ctx)
        s2, p = infer_w(expr.arg, apply_ctx(ctx, s1))
        r = fresh_tyvar()
        s3 = unify_w(apply_ty(ty, s2), TyCon("->", [p, r]))
        return compose(s3, compose(s2, s1)), apply_ty(r, s3)
    if isinstance(expr, Where):
        name, value, body =, expr.binding.value, expr.body
        s1, ty1 = infer_w(value, ctx)
        ctx1 = dict(ctx)  # copy
        ctx1.pop(name, None)
        ctx2 = {**ctx, name: Forall([], ty1)}
        s2, ty2 = infer_w(body, apply_ctx(ctx2, s1))
        return compose(s2, s1), ty2
    raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(expr)}")

Alright, so substitutions are a little clunky. Maybe there’s a neat way to do this in functional languages by threading the state through automatically or something, but we’re in Python and I’m a bit of a programming caveman, so we’re doing side effects.

Algorithm J

Unlike Algorithm W, which builds up a map of substitutions, Algorithm J uses union-find on the type variables to store equivalences. (I wrote about union-find previously in my intro to Vectorizing ML models.)

We have to add the usual forwarded/find/make_equal_to infrastructure to the types we defined above.

class MonoType:
    def find(self) -> MonoType:
        return self

class TyVar(MonoType):
    forwarded: MonoType | None = dataclasses.field(init=False, default=None)
    name: str

    def find(self) -> MonoType:
        # Exercise for the reader: path compression
        result: MonoType = self
        while isinstance(result, TyVar):
            it = result.forwarded
            if it is None:
                return result
            result = it
        return result

    def make_equal_to(self, other: MonoType) -> None:
        chain_end = self.find()
        assert isinstance(chain_end, TyVar), f"already resolved to {chain_end}"
        chain_end.forwarded = other

class TyCon(MonoType):
    name: str
    args: list[MonoType]

While it doesn’t really make sense to find on a type constructor (it should always be a leaf in the union-find DAG), we still define find to make MyPy happy and make some code look a little more natural.

Once we do that, we can write our unify implementation for Algorithm J. You can see that the general structure has not changed much, but the recursive bits in the TyCon case have gotten much simpler to read.

def unify_j(ty1: MonoType, ty2: MonoType) -> None:
    ty1 = ty1.find()
    ty2 = ty2.find()
    if isinstance(ty1, TyVar):
        if occurs_in(ty1, ty2):
            raise InferenceError(f"Occurs check failed for {ty1} and {ty2}")
    if isinstance(ty2, TyVar):  # Mirror
        return unify_j(ty2, ty1)
    if isinstance(ty1, TyCon) and isinstance(ty2, TyCon):
        if !=
            unify_fail(ty1, ty2)
        if len(ty1.args) != len(ty2.args):
            unify_fail(ty1, ty2)
        for l, r in zip(ty1.args, ty2.args):
            unify_j(l, r)
    raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(ty1)}")

Now that we have unify (which, remember, makes side-effecty changes using make_equal_to), we can write our infer function. It will look pretty similar to Algorithm J in overall structure, and in fact our plaintext algorithm applies just as well.

The main difference is that we invent a new type variable for every AST node and unify it with some expected type. I don’t think this is strictly necessary (we don’t need a type variable to return IntType for int literals, for example1), but I think it makes for easier reading. If I were to slim it down a bit, I think the rule I would use is “only invent a type variable if it needs to be constrained in the type of something else”. Like in Apply.

def infer_j(expr: Object, ctx: Context) -> MonoType:
    result = fresh_tyvar()
    if isinstance(expr, Var):
        scheme = ctx.get(
        if scheme is None:
            raise TypeError(f"Unbound variable {}")
        unify_j(result, scheme.ty)
        return result
    if isinstance(expr, Int):
        unify_j(result, IntType)
        return result
    if isinstance(expr, Function):
        arg_tyvar = fresh_tyvar("a")
        assert isinstance(expr.arg, Var)
        body_ctx = {**ctx, Forall([], arg_tyvar)}
        body_ty = infer_j(expr.body, body_ctx)
        unify_j(result, TyCon("->", [arg_tyvar, body_ty]))
        return result
    if isinstance(expr, Apply):
        func_ty = infer_j(expr.func, ctx)
        arg_ty = infer_j(expr.arg, ctx)
        unify_j(func_ty, TyCon("->", [arg_ty, result]))
        return result
    if isinstance(expr, Where):
        name, value, body =, expr.binding.value, expr.body
        value_ty = infer_j(value, ctx)
        body_ty = infer_j(body, {**ctx, name: Forall([], value_ty)})
        unify_j(result, body_ty)
        return result
    raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type {type(expr)}")

There you have it. Algorithm J: looks like W, but simpler and (apparently) faster.

Let polymorphism

We alluded to polymorphism earlier because it was already baked into our implementation (and we had to scratch it out temporarily to write the post), and we’re coming back to it now.

Hindley Milner types also include a forall quantifier that allows for some amount of polymorphism. Consider the function id = x -> x. The type of id is forall 'a. 'a -> 'a. This is kind of like a lambda for type variables. The forall construct binds type variables like normal lambdas bind normal variables. Some of the literature calls these type schemes.

In order to make inference for polymorphism decidable (I think), you have to pick some limited set of points in the concrete syntax to generalize types. The usual place is in let bindings. This is why all let-bound program variables (including top-level definitions) are associated with type schemes in the context. I think you could also do it with a generalize or template keyword or something, but people tend to use let as the signal.

The change to the inference algorithm is as follows:

Note that even though we generalize the type to store it into the environment, we still return a monotype.

Generalize is kind of like the opposite of instantiate. It takes a type and turns it into a scheme using its free variables:

def generalize(ty: MonoType, ctx: Context) -> Forall: ...

For example, generalizing 'a would be forall 'a. 'a. Or generalizing 'a list -> int would result in forall 'a. 'a list -> int (the type scheme of the list length function).

You can’t directly use a type scheme, a Forall, in a type expression. Instead, you have to instantiate (similar to “call” or “apply”) the Forall. This replaces the bound variables (“parameters”) with new variables in the right hand side—in the type. For example, instantiating forall 'a. 'a -> 'a might give you 't123 -> 't123, where 't123 is a fresh variable.

def instantiate(scheme: Forall) -> MonoType: ...

Now, to integrate let polymorphism into our Algorithm J inference engine, we need only change two lines (marked “changed!”):

def infer_j(expr: Object, ctx: Context) -> MonoType:
    # ...
    if isinstance(expr, Var):
        scheme = ctx.get(
        if scheme is None:
            raise TypeError(f"Unbound variable {}")
        unify_j(result, instantiate(scheme))  # changed!
        return result
    if isinstance(expr, Where):
        name, value, body =, expr.binding.value, expr.body
        value_ty = infer_j(value, ctx)
        value_scheme = generalize(recursive_find(value_ty), ctx)  # changed!
        body_ty = infer_j(body, {**ctx, name: value_scheme})
        unify_j(result, body_ty)
        return result
    # ...

Note that due to our union-find implementation, we also need to do this “recursive find” thing that calls .find() recursively to discover all of the type variables in the type. Otherwise we might just see 't0 as our only free type variable or something.

Algorithm M

Apparently there is a secret third thing that people do, which wasn’t formally proven until 1998 in a paper called Proofs about a Folklore Let-Polymorphic Type Inference Algorithm (PDF) by Lee and Yi. They call it Algorithm M because it’s a top-down version of Algorithm W (ha ha).

It looks pretty similar to W but there’s a third parameter to the inference function, which is the monotype that you expect the expression to have2. We won’t have an implementation here, but you should go take a look at the paper which does a nice side-by-side of W and M. Reader, if you would like to contribute a small version of Algorithm M using our data structures, I would be happy to include it.

This concludes the section on basic HM. I don’t think any in-use language uses HM like this; they all build on extensions. We have added some of these extensions to make Scrapscript’s type system more expressive.

Extensions for Scrapscript


Another quality of life feature that people tend to want in programming languages, especially programming languages without loops, is recursion. Right now our infer function won’t support functions referring to themselves; we don’t add the function name to the environment when running inference on the function body.

To add a limited form of recursion, we do the following:

def infer_j(expr: Object, ctx: Context) -> MonoType:
    # ...
    if isinstance(expr, Where):
        name, value, body =, expr.binding.value, expr.body
        if isinstance(value, Function):
            # Letrec
            func_ty = fresh_tyvar()
            value_ty = infer_j(value, {**ctx, name: Forall([], func_ty)})
            # Let
            value_ty = infer_j(value, ctx)
        # ...

This is helpful, but it’s not a full solution. OCaml, for example, has let rec/and to write mutually recursive functions. We don’t have the syntax to express that in Scrapscript.

In an ideal world, we would have a way to type mutual recursion anyway. I think this involves identifying call graphs and strongly connected components within those graphs. Sounds trickier than it’s worth right now3.

More datatypes

Scrapscript has lists. While Scrapscript allows for heterogeneous lists (a list can contain elements of different types at the same time), our type system will not (at least to start). In order to type these lists, we need to constrain all the list elements to be the same type when we see a list constructor.

def infer_j(expr: Object, ctx: Context) -> MonoType:
    # ...
    if isinstance(expr, List):
        list_item_ty = fresh_tyvar()
        for item in expr.items:
            item_ty = infer_j(item, ctx)
            unify_j(list_item_ty, item_ty)
        return TyCon("list", [list_item_ty])

This means that an empty list will have type 'a list. And, interestingly enough, a let-bound empty list will have type scheme forall 'a. 'a list. Note that this is only legal if your lists are immutable, as they are in Scrapscript.

Pattern matching

What’s the type of a match case pattern? Until a couple of days ago, I didn’t know. Turns out, it’s the type that it looks like it should be, as long as you bind all the variables in the pattern to fresh type variables.

For example, the type of | [x, y] -> x is 'a list -> 'a because the list constructor tells us this should be a list. But in order to avoid raising an Unbound variable exception when we see x in the pattern, we have to prefill the context with x bound to a fresh type variable.

Similarly, the type of | [x, 5] -> x is int list -> int because the 5 literal makes the whole thing an int list. This means that we gain additional type information about x too!

Let’s look at the Python code for inferring a singular match case:

def infer_j(expr: Object, ctx: Context) -> MonoType:
    # ...
    if isinstance(expr, MatchCase):
        pattern_ctx = collect_vars_in_pattern(expr.pattern)
        body_ctx = {**ctx, **pattern_ctx}
        pattern_ty = infer_j(expr.pattern, body_ctx)
        body_ty = infer_j(expr.body, body_ctx)
        unify_j(result, TyCon("->", ppattern_ty, body_ty]))
        return result

Then for an entire match function, we unify all of the case functions to make the pattern types line up and the return types line up.

def infer_j(expr: Object, ctx: Context) -> MonoType:
    # ...
    if isinstance(expr, MatchFunction):
        for case in expr.cases:
            case_ty = infer_j(case, ctx)
            unify_j(result, case_ty)
        return result

Similar to typing lists, match patterns have to (for now?) be homogeneous. That means that the following snippet of code, which is perfectly legal Scrapscript, wouldn’t fly with our type inference:

It would be nice to support this but I don’t know how right now.

(Also remember to add MatchFunction to the type check in the recursive let!)

Row polymorphism

Scrapscript has records (kind of like structs) and run-time row polymorphism. This means that you can have a function that pulls out a field from a record and any record with that field is a legal argument to the function.

See for example two different looking records (2D point and 3D point):

get_x left + get_x right
. left  = { x = 1, y = 2 }
. right = { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 }
. get_x = | { x = x, ... } -> x

Hindley Milner doesn’t come with support for this right out of the box. If you add support for records, then you end up with a more rigid system: the records have to have the same number of fields and same names of fields and same types of fields. This is safe but overly restrictive.

I think it’s possible to “easily” add row polymorphism but we haven’t done it yet. Finding a simple, distilled version of the ideas in the papers has so far been elusive.

We’re currently reading:

Please recommend additional papers, blog posts, and implementations.


Scrapscript is designed to do significantly more than its current HM-based type system allows. Type inference is opt-in, so it’s possible—encouraged, even—to run in dynamic mode. But it would be really cool to be able to use type inference in the compiler to optimize the code when possible, and leave in run-time checks when not possible. This probably involves inserting type-check nodes into the AST when unification fails. Something like CheckInt which has type forall 'a. 'a -> int (but aborts the program if given a non-integer at run-time).


Scrapscript supports variants or tags similar to OCaml’s notion of polymorphic variants. We don’t have any encoding in the type system for these right now.

We’re currently reading:

Please recommend additional papers, blog posts, and implementations.

Canonicalization or minification of type variables

When presenting a type to the programmer, it’s not useful to spew out a bunch of generated type variable names like 't123467 in errors. For this reason, we also support minimizing types to make them more presentable.

def minimize(ty: MonoType) -> MonoType:
    # Fingers crossed an expression that we're presenting to the programmer
    # doesn't have more than 26 distinct type variables...
    letters = iter("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
    free = ftv_ty(ty)
    subst = {ftv: TyVar(next(letters)) for ftv in sorted(free)}
    return apply_ty(ty, subst)

Type-carrying code

Can we make hashes of types? Something like proof-carrying code? TODO: think more about this…


Thanks for getting this far. There’s a lot of new words and some historical baggage in terminology, notation, and general vibes that can make things confusing to the casual reader (like myself).

Take a look at our PR to add HM inference to Scrapscript. We use Algorithm J. For Algorithm W and associated machinery, check out this old commit on an unused branch. It has a bunch of tests that hopefully make things clearer.


Thank you to River Dillon Keefer for co-authoring the code and this post with me at Recurse Center. Thank you to the following fine folks who reviewed the post before it went out:

See also

  1. I mean, some people even go so far as to split this out into its own annotation phase that takes one pass over the AST and adds a type variable for each tree node. This is probably helpful for error messages and generally keeping type information around for longer. 

  2. In that sense it maybe feels a little bit like bidirectional type checking, but I also don’t know much about that… just going off of vibes. 

  3. But control flow analysis (CFA) is on my TODO list anyway, so…