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Day 10: Impossible Stuff Day

Day 10: Impossible Stuff Day

What I Did

  • Meetings:
    • Impossible Stuff Day Kickoff
    • Impossible Stuff Day Debrief & Demos


  • Started working on my project Slow Art Online. Spent the morning just getting set up. I worked on a simple full-stack app for the CS50x Finance problem, but it’s one thing to fill in the blanks in the distribution code for a class assignment and another to set up a project from scratch. I learned a lot (and learned how much more I have to learn) about virtual environments, dependencies, package managers, and so on.
  • In the afternoon, I paired w/ Bradley on getting the image from the Met API. We got the image link loading on a page, and after that, I was able to pass the variable to the Jinja template to load the image itself on the page. When the image appeared on the page, it was a thrill. “It works!” Those moments are so fun.
  • I plan to come back to this project during the batch and keep working on it since I could definitely use more API practice and I have a lot of ideas for the site.
It’s a start.

Explore further

  • Need to investigate getting hot-reload working—it didn’t seem to be working and I had to restart the server to test new changes, which was not ideal.