Calculate checksums for all input files.
Tag and release to popular git services such as GitHub, GitLab, and Gitea.
Announce the release to the four winds via Twitter, Sdkman, Zulip, and other services.
Whether you prefer CLI, Maven, Gradle, or Ant, JReleaser has you covered.
The best thing about @jreleaser IMHO is that it gives you very nice defaults. Took only a 3 line change to package my app as a Homebrew tap.
— Oliver Weiler (@helpermethod) July 5, 2021
Configure the essentials and let JReleaser do the heavy lifting. Convention over configuration is a thing!
Publishing a release is as simple as executing a single command using the jreleaser
Releases are automatically tagged. A changelog is generated with all commits since the last tag. All artifacts are uploaded.
JReleaser can package your application to be distributed with popular software packagers such as Homebrew, Scoop, Chocolatey, Snapcraft, and others.