
  1. We hacked Gemini's Python sandbox and leaked its source code (at least some) (
  2. Does someone really have to do the dirty jobs? (
  3. The Real Book (2021) (
  4. How Kerala got rich (
  5. Disk I/O bottlenecks in GitHub Actions (
  6. Decomposing a Factorial into Large Factors (
  7. Show HN: Cursor IDE now remembers your coding prefs using MCP (
  8. Building Statically Linked Go Executables with CGO and Zig (
  9. Japanese scientists create new plastic that dissolves in saltwater overnight (
  10. Getting hit by lightning is good for some tropical trees (
  11. Cross-Platform P2P Wi-Fi: How the EU Killed AWDL (
  12. I asked police to send me their public surveillance footage of my car (
  13. MilliForth-6502: The smallest Forth real programming language for 6502 (
  14. How to Write Blog Posts that Developers Read (
  15. Technology you don’t have to think about (
  16. Xee: A Modern XPath and XSLT Engine in Rust (
  17. Architecture Patterns with Python (
  18. Day 57: End of batch celebration! (
  19. Things I would have told myself before building an autorouter (
  20. A note on the USB-to-PS/2 mouse adapter that came with Microsoft mouse devices (
  21. Giant, fungus-like organism may be a completely unknown branch of life (
  22. How to Use Em Dashes (–), En Dashes (–), and Hyphens (-) (
  23. I tried making artificial sunlight at home (
  24. Gooey internals: simplifying the graph (
  25. Half-Baked Data, Unfinished Blogs, and Dependency Resolution Hell (
  26. How a classic Dijkstra paper saved me from range boundary hell (
  27. Parsing to IR and lvalues (
  28. Day 56: Lunch & Learn (
  29. TIL: SQLean (
  30. Building a fast website with the MASH stack in Rust (
  31. Being 30, being bored, being happy (
  32. Day 55: Demo-Palooza! 2 (
  33. Autonomous Response Codes (
  34. Introducing Mirror Darkly (
  35. Things are not as they appear... (
  36. Goodbye core types - Hello Go as we know and love it! (
  37. The mathematical past is a foreign country (
  38. building beep it (
  39. Time at the Recurse Center (
  40. An introduction to correspondence texting (
  41. Installing NPM Packages Very Quickly (
  42. Lab note #065 Scheduler Retrospective (
  43. Day 54: Niceties (
  44. Moving From Zamrazac to Hugo (
  45. BBB(3, 3) > 10 ↑↑ 6 (
  46. Big endian and little endian (
  47. Prospero challenge, now with more garbage collection (
  48. Reflections on writing a book (
  49. Message Audience Purpose (
  50. weeknotes #35 (
  51. flags (
  52. How to Recover a Pelican Site (
  53. Introducing gh-log (
  54. Optimizing Django by not being silly (
  55. haywire (
  56. What is March Madness and why are people so into it? (
  57. How To Prompt (
  58. Explain a Kleisli Category (
  59. Review: CS50P Introduction to Programming with Python (
  60. Day 53: Bookmark Analyzer (