
  1. All possible plots by major authors (2020) (
  2. Meta's open AI hardware vision (
  3. Sqlite3 WebAssembly (
  4. A gorgeous, tall, fluffy coconut cake (
  5. The C23 edition of Modern C (
  6. Command AI Bought by Amplitude (
  7. Apple introduces iPad mini built for Apple Intelligence (
  8. Mothbox 4.0 (
  9. Life expectancy rise in rich countries slows down: took 30 years to prove (
  10. Big advance on simple-sounding math problem was a century in the making (
  11. Show HN: I built the most over-engineered Deal With It emoji generator (
  12. Show HN: I 3D scanned the tunnels inside the Maya Pyramid Temples at Copan (
  13. Asterinas: OS kernel written in Rust and providing Linux-compatible ABI (
  14. Show HN: Mermaid ASCII Diagrams (
  15. Short films by Lillian F. Schwartz (1927-2024) (
  16. Web Browser Engineering (2021) (
  17. Show HN: Pumpkin – A Modern Minecraft server written in Rust (
  18. It Takes A Village (
  19. Colophon: Website is Now and Forever a Mess (
  20. Compiling Lisp to Bytecode and Running It (
  21. Damas-Hindley-Milner inference two ways (
  22. 5 Things An Engineering Manager Does That You Didn’t Know (
  23. Weeknotes: Gigabucks, burning my Mac's GPU, and Karpathy's lament (
  24. PEP 762 – REPL-acing the default REPL (
  25. 20) Flood Fill (Again) (
  26. 19) Longest Palindromic Substring (
  27. 18) Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (
  28. 16) Code Signal Practice Challenge (
  29. 11) Climbing Stairs (
  30. Devlog: what is a module? (
  31. Making Rust builds fail from YAML config mistakes (
  32. Thwarted for the last time! (
  33. Rust Closures and Recursion (
  34. Solar Pi (
  35. 18) Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters, (
  36. 15) Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (
  37. Weeknotes #20 (Week 40, 2024) (
  38. Quick ‘n hacky meme making, for fun and no profit (
  39. Double Standards And Volunteer Behavior (
  40. Building the Hundred-Year Web Service (
  41. JavaScript's upcoming Explicit Resource Management is great! (
  42. ML4Good Germany Camp 2024 (
  43. TIL: MySQL will return 2 rows affected if UPSERT updates an existing row (
  44. nic cage movie rankings (
  45. Day Two (
  46. Day One (
  47. Knowledge (
  48. Accumulated Test Vectors (
  49. DevLog: llmpossible (